English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shiji shijie shijiao shujia shijiu shixia chijia saijia ?

施加 shī jiā to exert (effort or pressure)
世家 shì jiā family influential for generations / aristocratic family
市价 shì jià market value
史家 shǐ jiā historian
释迦 Shì jiā Shakya, an ethnicity and clan of the northeast of South Asia to which the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) belonged / the Buddha (abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4jia1mou2ni2], Shakyamuni, which means "the Sage of the Shakyas")
释迦 shì jiā sugar apple (Annona squamosa)
事假 shì jià leave of absence for a personal matter
时价 shí jià current price

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