English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shiyi shijie shizi siji shijia shiqi shuji shi ?

实际 shí reality / practice / practical / realistic / real / actual
世纪 shì century / CL:個|个[ge4]
时机 shí opportunity; opportune moment
事迹 shì deed / past achievement / important event of the past
市集 shì fair / market (in a public place) / small town
试剂 shì reagent
史记 Shǐ Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1], first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3]
史籍 shǐ historical records
事机 shì confidential aspects of a matter / secrets / key moment for action
示寂 shì to pass away (of a monk or nun)
十几 shí more than ten; a dozen or more
石鸡 shí (bird species of China) chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar)
诗集 shī poetry anthology
食季 shí eclipse season

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