English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shiquan shuiguan shihuan shigan shijuan shisuan shuguan chiguan ?

使馆 shǐ guǎn consulate / diplomatic mission
士官 shì guān warrant officer / petty officer / noncommissioned officer (NCO) / Japanese military officer
史官 shǐ guān scribe / court recorder / historian / historiographer
食管 shí guǎn esophagus; gullet / (Tw) regulation of food safety and sanitation (abbr. for 食品衛生管理|食品卫生管理[shi2pin3 wei4sheng1 guan3li3])
史观 shǐ guān historical point of view / historically speaking
试管 shì guǎn test tube
石棺 shí guān sarcophagus
事关 shì guān to concern / on (some topic) / about / concerning / to have importance for

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