English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: side shade shidu site shidi chide suide said ?

似的 shì de seems as if / rather like / Taiwan pr. [si4 de5]
使得 shǐ de usable; serviceable / feasible; workable; doable / to make; to cause; to bring about
是的 shì de yes, that's right / variant of 似的[shi4 de5]
拾得 Shí Shide, Tang Buddhist poet who lived at the Guoqing Temple on Mt Tiantai 天台山[Tian1 tai1 Shan1]
拾得 shí to find / to pick up / to collect
识得 shí de to know
似地 shì de (used to form an adverbial phrase X + 似地[shi4de5]) like (X); as if (X) / Taiwan pr. [si4de5]
石碇 Shí dìng Shiding or Shihting township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
石碇乡 Shí dìng xiāng Shiding or Shihting township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan

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