English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shengsi shengzhi chengshi shangshi shenshi shengshui shengchi shengshu ?

省事 shěng shì to simplify matters; to save trouble
盛世 shèng shì a flourishing period / period of prosperity / a golden age
省市 shěng shì provinces and cities
盛事 shèng shì grand occasion
声势 shēng shì fame and power / prestige / influence / impetus / momentum
生事 shēng shì to make trouble
圣事 shèng shì Holy sacrament / Christian rite (esp. Catholic) / also called 聖禮|圣礼 by Protestants
圣诗 shèng shī hymn
升市 shēng shì rising prices / bull market

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