English to Chinese Dictionary


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piān sheet / piece of writing / bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old) / classifier for written items: chapter, article
zhāng to open up / to spread / sheet of paper / classifier for flat objects, sheet / classifier for votes
dāo knife / blade / single-edged sword / cutlass / CL:把[ba3] / (slang) dollar (loanword) / classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper) / classifier for knife cuts or stabs
piān disk / sheet
紫菜 cài edible seaweed of genus Porphyra or genus Pyropia, esp. one used to make dried sheets of nori
图谱 archive of graphics (e.g. maps, documents or botanical figures) / atlas / collection of illustrations or sheet music
钢材 gāng cái steel (as raw material) / steel sheets, bars, tubes, ingots, wire etc
一盘散沙 pán sǎn shā lit. like a sheet of loose sand / fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)
床单 chuáng dān bed sheet / CL:條|条[tiao2],件[jian4],張|张[zhang1],床[chuang2]
借贷 jiè dài to borrow or lend money / debit and credit items on a balance sheet
冲压 chòng to stamp / to press (sheet metal) / Taiwan pr. [chong1 ya1]
钣金 bǎn jīn sheet metal working / auto body repair work / panel beating
借方 jiè fāng borrower / debit side (of a balance sheet)
答卷 juàn completed examination paper / answer sheet / CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]
薄板 báo bǎn thin plate / sheet / lamina / Taiwan pr. [bo2 ban3]
classifier for sheets of papers etc: pile, pad / Taiwan pr. [ta4]
轧钢 zhá gāng to roll steel (into sheets or bars)
被单 bèi dān (bed) sheet / envelope for a padded coverlet / CL:床[chuang2]
样张 yàng zhāng (printing) proof; specimen page / sample photograph / (fashion design) pattern sheet
bǎn metal plate / sheet of metal
乐谱 yuè a musical score / sheet music
铁皮 tiě galvanized iron sheet (for building construction)
并拢 bìng lǒng to draw together / to place side by side (e.g. one's fingers, two halves of a torn sheet of paper etc)
贷方 dài fāng credit side (of a balance sheet) / creditor / lender
连片 lián piàn forming a continuous sheet / continuous / contiguous / closely grouped

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