English to Chinese Dictionary


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diào to fall / to drop / to lag behind / to lose / to go missing / to reduce / fall (in prices) / to lose (value, weight etc) / to wag / to swing / to turn / to change / to exchange / to swap / to show off / to shed (hair) / (used after certain verbs to express completion, fulfillment, removal etc)
tuō to shed / to take off / to escape / to get away from
to sprinkle / to spray / to spill / to shed
搭建 jiàn to build (esp. with simple materials) / to knock together (a temporary shed) / to rig up
流泪 liú lèi to shed tears
流血 liú xuè to bleed / to shed blood
tǎng to drip / to trickle / to shed (tears)
péng shed / canopy / shack
小屋 xiǎo cabin / lodge / cottage / chalet / hut / shed
tuì to take off (clothes); to shed (feathers) / (of color) to fade / (fig.) (of emotions, awareness etc) to fade / Taiwan pr. [tun4]
落泪 luò lèi to shed tears / to weep
碧血 xuè blood shed in a just cause
金蝉脱壳 jīn chán tuō qiào lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shell / a crafty escape plan
挥洒 huī to sprinkle / to shed (tears, blood etc) / fig. free, unconstrained / to write in a free style
棚子 péng zi shack / shed / CL:間|间[jian1]
摇钱树 yáo qián shù legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken / (fig.) source of easy money
褪去 tuì to take off (one's clothes) / (fig.) to shed (one's former image etc) / (of a fad or the after-effects of a disaster etc) to subside / also pr. [tun4 qu4]
脱胎换骨 tuō tāi huàn to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist / to turn over a new leaf / fig. to change wholly / to create from other material (story, artwork etc)
脱胎 tuō tāi to be born / (fig.) to develop out of sth else (of ideas, stories, political systems etc) / (fig.) to shed one's body (to be reborn) / bodiless (e.g. lacquerware)
wán shed tears
垂泪 chuí lèi to shed tears
潸然泪下 shān rán lèi xià to shed silent tears (idiom)
掉泪 diào lèi to shed tears
感激涕零 gǎn líng to shed tears of gratitude (idiom); moved to tears
声泪俱下 shēng lèi xià to shed tears while recounting sth / speaking in a tearful voice

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