English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shanghai shangshu shangshi shanshui shanghui shengshui shangshai shuangshui ?

商水 Shāng shuǐ Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan
上水 Shàng shuǐ Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong)
上水 shàng shuǐ upper reaches (of a river) / to go upstream / to add some water / to water (a crop etc)
上税 shàng shuì to pay taxes
商水县 Shāng shuǐ xiàn Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan
商税 shāng shuì tax on trade

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