English to Chinese Dictionary


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伤害 shāng hài to injure; to harm
滑稽 huá comical; funny; amusing (old pr. [gu3 ji1]) / huaji, a form of comedy performance popular in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang
大厦 shà (used in the names of grand buildings such as 百老匯大廈|百老汇大厦 Broadway Mansions (in Shanghai) or 帝國大廈|帝国大厦 Empire State Building etc)
上海 Shàng hǎi Shanghai municipality (abbr. to 滬|沪[Hu4])
金山 Jīn shān Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai / Jinshan or Chinshan township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
青浦 Qīng Qingpu suburban district of Shanghai
short name for Shanghai
复旦 dàn Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for 復旦大學|复旦大学[Fu4 dan4 Da4 xue2]
浦东 dōng Pudong, subprovincial district of Shanghai
松江 Sōng jiāng Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai
上证 Shàng Zhèng Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), abbr. for 上海證券交易所|上海证券交易所[Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 quan4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3]
Shēn old name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4hai3] / surname Shen
龙华 Lóng huá Longhua, the name of numerous streets, railway stations, temples and city districts etc, notably Longhua Temple 龍華寺|龙华寺[Long2 hua2 Si4] in Shanghai and Longhua District 龍華區|龙华区[Long2 hua2 Qu1] of Shenzhen, Guangdong
南汇 Nán huì Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区[Pu3 dong1 xin1 qu1], Shanghai
长宁 Cháng níng Changning County in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan / Changning District in Shanghai
虹桥 Hóng qiáo Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin
嘉定 Jiā dìng Jiading district of northwest Shanghai / final reign name 1208-1224 of South Song emperor Ningzong 寧宗|宁宗[Ning2 zong1]
上汽 Shàng abbr. for 上海汽車工業集團|上海汽车工业集团, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)
申城 Shēn chéng alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3] / alternative name for Xinyang City, Henan 信陽市|信阳市[Xin4 yang2 Shi4]
黄浦 Huáng the main river through Shanghai / name of a district in Shanghai
沪江 jiāng alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]
奉贤 Fèng xián Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai
外滩 Wài tān the Shanghai Bund or Waitan
黄兴 Huáng Xīng Huang Xing (1874-1916), revolutionary politician, close collaborator of Sun Yat-sen, prominent in the 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命[Xin1 hai4 Ge2 ming4], murdered in Shanghai in 1916
神女 Shén The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by 吳永剛|吴永刚[Wu2 Yong3 gang1]

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