English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shanghe shangche shangzhe shangke shangshu shangzhi shangshi shangjie ?

he; him (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant) / (used before sb's name for emphasis) / (used as a meaningless mock object) / (literary) other
干什么 gàn shén me what are you doing? / what's he up to?
人家 rén jia other people / sb else / he, she or they / I, me (referring to oneself as "one" or "people")
Shāng Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC) / surname Shang
(old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she") / second person singular pronoun ("you") / (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she") / (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning / that (preceding a noun)
surname He
(Cantonese) he, she, it
(classical) this, that / he, she, they / (exclamatory final particle) / (initial particle, introduces an opinion)
Shàng surname Shang
surname He
surname He
(artificial) stream; canal; drain; ditch (CL:條|条[tiao2]) / (literary) big; great / (dialect) he; she; him; her / (old) rim of a carriage wheel; felloe
Yīn surname Yin / dynasty name at the end the Shang dynasty, after its move to Yinxu 殷墟[Yin1xu1] in present-day Henan
Ruǎn surname Ruan / small state during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) located in the southeast of present-day Gansu Province
surname He
朝歌 Zhāo Zhaoge, capital of the Shang dynasty 商朝 / Zhaoge town in Qi county 淇縣|淇县, Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁, Henan
妲己 Daji (c. 11th century BC), concubine of the last Shang dynasty king Zhou Xin 紂辛|纣辛[Zhou4 Xin1]
嘿嘿 hēi hēi (onom.) he he / mischievous laughter
黄河 Huáng Yellow River or Huang He
落井下石 luò jǐng xià shí to throw stones at sb who has fallen down a well (idiom) / to hit a person when he's down
商朝 Shāng cháo Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)
He river in Shandong
人无远虑,必有近忧 rén yuǎn , yǒu jìn yōu He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects). / Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.
徒有虚名 yǒu míng with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame / nowhere near as good as he's made out to be
Zhòu Zhou, pejorative name given posthumously to the last king of the Shang dynasty, King Zhou of Shang 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 Wang2] (the name refers to a crupper 紂|纣[zhou4], the piece of horse tack most likely to be soiled by the horse)

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