English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shaking shiming shuming shang saying chaming shajing shaqing ?

耻辱 chǐ disgrace / shame / humiliation
chǐ (bound form) shame; humiliation; disgrace
恬不知耻 tián zhī chǐ to have no sense of shame
脸红 liǎn hóng to blush / to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
羞耻 xiū chǐ (a feeling of) shame
抹黑 hēi to discredit / to defame / to smear sb's name / to bring shame upon (oneself or one's family etc) / to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage) / to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words)
不要脸 yào liǎn to have no sense of shame; shameless
抹灰 huī to plaster / to render (a wall) / (fig.) to bring shame on / also pr. [mo4 hui1]
sào shame / bashfulness / to shame / to humiliate
问心无愧 wèn xīn kuì lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
好意思 hǎo si to have the nerve / what a cheek! / to feel no shame / to overcome the shame / (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)
汗颜 hàn yán to blush with shame (literary)
廉耻 lián chǐ honor and shame / sense of honor
八荣八耻 Róng Chǐ Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral guidelines
不知羞耻 zhī xiū chǐ to have no sense of shame / brazen
奇耻大辱 chǐ extraordinary shame and humiliation (idiom)
闭月羞花 yuè xiū huā lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom) / fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world
tiǎn to shame
nǎn blushing with shame
悔恨交加 huǐ hèn jiāo jiā to feel remorse and shame (idiom)
shame / disgrace
识羞 shí xiū to know shame / to feel shame (often with a negative, shameless)
含垢忍辱 hán gòu - rěn (idiom) to bear shame and humiliation
愧汗 kuì hàn sweating from shame / extremely ashamed
xiū shy / ashamed / shame / bashful / variant of 饈|馐[xiu1] / delicacies

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