English to Chinese Dictionary


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场合 chǎng situation / occasion / context / setting / location / venue
场景 chǎng jǐng scene; scenario; situation; setting
设定 shè dìng to set / to set up / to install / setting / preferences
默认 rèn to agree tacitly / tacit approval / default (setting)
夕阳 yáng sunset / the setting sun
夕照 zhào glow of the setting sun
情境 qíng jìng situation; context; setting; environment
回光返照 huí guāng fǎn zhào final radiance of setting sun / fig. dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)
掩映 yǎn yìng hidden from view / alternately hidden and visible / setting off each other
落日 luò setting sun
斜阳 xié yáng setting sun
孤男寡女 nán guǎ a single man and a single woman / bachelors / a man and a woman together (typically in a secluded setting)
横排 héng pái horizontal setting (printing)
(arch.) religious ritual on setting out for war
东兔西乌 dōng lit. the sun setting and the moon rising (idiom) / fig. the passage of time
碰瓷 pèng (coll.) to scam sb by setting up an "accident" in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation (variations include putting "expensive" porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car)
余光 guāng (out of) the corner of one's eyes / peripheral vision / residual light / light of the setting sun
挡位 dǎng wèi (in a manual car) gear (i.e. reverse, neutral, 1st, 2nd etc) / (automatic car) transmission mode (P, R, N, D etc) / (electric fan etc) speed setting
崦嵫 Yān (old) name of a mountain in Gansu, where the setting sun was supposed to enter the earth
缺省 quē shěng default (setting)
回光反照 huí guāng fǎn zhào final radiance of setting sun / fig. dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)
德治 zhì rule by virtue / rule by setting virtuous example (Confucian ideal)
九份 Jiǔ fèn Jiufen (or Jioufen or Chiufen), mountainside town in north Taiwan, former gold mining town, used as the setting for two well-known movies
招股书 zhāo shū prospectus (setting out a share offer)
直排 zhí pái vertical setting (printing)

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