English to Chinese Dictionary


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感受 gǎn shòu to sense / perception / to feel (through the senses) / to experience / a feeling / an impression / an experience
直观 zhí guān direct observation / directly perceived through the senses / intuitive / audiovisual
扑面而来 miàn ér lái lit. sth hits one in the face / directly in one's face / sth assaults the senses / blatant (advertising) / eye-catching / (a smell) assaults the nostrils
感知 gǎn zhī perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses) / to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of
官能 guān néng function / capability / sense (i.e. the five senses of sight 視|视, hearing 聽|听, smell 嗅, taste 味 and touch 觸|触) / faculty (i.e. specific ability)
扑面 miàn lit. sth hits one in the face / directly in one's face / sth assaults the senses / blatant (advertising) / eye-catching / (a smell) assaults the nostrils
xīng (literary) to come to one's senses; to awaken / (literary) astute; sharp-witted
丧魂失魄 sàng hún shī out of one's senses; shaken to the core; dazed
灵醒 líng xǐng (of senses, mind etc) alert / keen / clear-minded
人间清醒 rén jiān qīng xǐng (neologism c. 2021) to keep one's senses; not get carried away; not let success go to one's head
感觉器官 gǎn jué guān sense organs / the five senses

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