English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sens senses since shense senso sons seng sans ?

zhè (pronoun) this; these / (bound form) this; the (followed by a noun) / (bound form) this; these (followed by a classifier) (in this sense, commonly pr. [zhei4], esp. in Beijing)
xíng to walk / to go / to travel / a visit / temporary / makeshift / current / in circulation / to do / to perform / capable / competent / effective / all right / OK! / will do / behavior / conduct / Taiwan pr. [xing4] for the behavior-conduct sense
味道 wèi dao flavor; taste / (fig.) feeling (of ...); sense (of ...); hint (of ...) / (fig.) interest; delight / (dialect) smell; odor
道理 dào li reason / argument / sense / principle / basis / justification / CL:個|个[ge4]
感到 gǎn dào to feel; to sense; to perceive
意义 sense / meaning / significance / importance / CL:個|个[ge4]
感受 gǎn shòu to sense / perception / to feel (through the senses) / to experience / a feeling / an impression / an experience
外面 wài miàn outside (also pr. [wai4 mian5] for this sense) / surface / exterior / external appearance
纪录 variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4] (but in Taiwan, not for the verb sense "to record")
观念 guān niàn notion / thought / concept / sense / views / ideology / general impressions
检测 jiǎn to detect / to test / detection / sensing
常识 cháng shí common sense / general knowledge / CL:門|门[men2]
着急 zháo to worry; to feel anxious / to feel a sense of urgency; to be in a hurry / Taiwan pr. [zhao1ji2]
不通 tōng to be obstructed / to be blocked up / to be impassable / to make no sense / to be illogical
gǎn to feel / to move / to touch / to affect / feeling / emotion / (suffix) sense of ~
动感 dòng gǎn sense of movement (often in a static work of art) / dynamic / vivid / lifelike
失落 shī luò to lose (sth) / to drop (sth) / to feel a sense of loss / frustrated / disappointment / loss
折射 zhé shè to refract / refraction / to reflect (in the figurative sense: to show the nature of)
广义 guǎng broad sense / general sense
肖像 xiào xiàng portrait (painting, photo etc) / (in a general sense) representation of a person / likeness
察觉 chá jué to sense / to perceive / to become aware of / to detect
嗅觉 xiù jué sense of smell
常理 cháng common sense / conventional reasoning and morals
触觉 chù jué sense of touch; tactile sensation
无情无义 qíng completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless

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