English to Chinese Dictionary


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好像 hǎo xiàng as if / to seem like
显得 xiǎn de to seem / to look / to appear
看上去 kàn shang qu it would appear / it seems (that)
看起来 kàn lai seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appears to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be
似乎 it seems; seemingly; as if
看来 kàn lai apparently / it seems that
似的 shì de seems as if / rather like / Taiwan pr. [si4 de5]
仿佛 fǎng to seem / as if / alike / similar
ruò to seem / like / as / if
好似 hǎo to seem / to be like
看似 kàn to look as if; to seem
看样子 kàn yàng zi it seems / it looks as if
to seem / to appear / to resemble / similar / -like / pseudo- / (more) than
貌似 mào to appear to be / to seem as if
眼熟 yǎn shú familiar-looking / to seem familiar
镀金 jīn to gold-plate; to gild / (fig.) to make sth quite ordinary seem special
见得 jiàn to seem / to appear / (in a negative or interrogative sentence) to be sure
表里不一 biǎo outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems / saying one thing but meaning sth different
绝处逢生 jué chù féng shēng to find a way to survive when everything seems hopeless (idiom)
遥遥无期 yáo yáo far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
见怪不怪 jiàn guài guài to have seen sth so often that it doesn't seem strange at all; to be well accustomed (to sth)
ài indistinct / hazy / misty / to seem / to appear
一日三秋 sān qiū a single day apart seems like three seasons (idiom)
好象 hǎo xiàng to seem; to be like (variant of 好像[hao3 xiang4])
仿似 fǎng as if / to seem

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