English to Chinese Dictionary


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直播 zhí (TV, radio) to broadcast live / live broadcast / (Internet) to livestream / (agriculture) direct seeding
种子 zhǒng zi seed / CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4]
zhǒng seed / species / kind / type / classifier for types, kinds, sorts
芝麻 zhī ma sesame (seed)
jiē (of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds) / Taiwan pr. [jie2]
萌芽 méng (of a seed) to germinate / (of a plant) to sprout; to bud / sprout; bud / (also used figuratively)
瓜子 guā melon seed / seeds of pumpkin, watermelon or sunflower etc, roasted and flavored, consumed as a snack
莲子 lián lotus seed
shí real / true / honest / really / solid / fruit / seed / definitely
son / child / seed / egg / small thing / 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the rat / viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3deng3 jue2wei4] / ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north) / subsidiary; subordinate; (prefix) sub-
róng paste made by mashing beans or seeds etc / used in 芙蓉[fu2 rong2], lotus
玉女 beautiful woman / fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals / (polite) sb else's daughter / Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM
播种 zhǒng to sow seeds
播种 zhòng to grow (maize etc) from seed / to plant (maize etc) by sowing seed
发芽 (of a seed) to germinate / (of a plant) to sprout; to bud / (fig.) (of an idea or plan etc) to start to develop
点播 diǎn webcast / to request item for broadcast on radio program / dibble seeding / spot seeding
烧饼 shāo bing baked sesame seed-coated cake
决明子 jué míng (botany) cassia seed
选育 xuǎn seed selection / breeding
to crack (seeds) between one's teeth
莲蓬 lián péng lotus seed head
八宝粥 bǎo zhōu rice congee made with red beans, lotus seeds, longan, red dates, nuts etc
播撒 to sow (seeds) / to scatter
菱角 líng jiao water caltrop (Trapa species), aquatic plant with edible seeds

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