English to Chinese Dictionary


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kàn to see; to look at / to read / to watch / to visit; to call on / to consider; to regard as / to look after / to treat (a patient or illness) / to depend on / to feel (that) / (after a verb) to give it a try / to watch out for
见面 jiàn miàn to meet; to see each other / CL:次[ci4]
sòng to send; to deliver; to transmit / to give (as a present) / to see (sb) off / to accompany; to go along with
jiàn to see / to meet / to appear (to be sth) / to interview / opinion / view
看见 kàn jiàn to see / to catch sight of
再见 zài jiàn goodbye / see you again later
看到 kàn dào to see
看病 kàn bìng to visit a doctor / to see a patient
见到 jiàn dào to see
常见 cháng jiàn commonly seen / common / to see sth frequently
bǎn see 老闆|老板, boss
qiáng strong / powerful / better / slightly more than / vigorous / violent / best in their category, e.g. see 百強|百强[bai3 qiang2]
老头儿 lǎo tóur see 老頭子|老头子[lao3 tou2 zi5]
梦见 mèng jiàn to dream about (sth or sb) / to see in a dream
想念 xiǎng niàn to miss / to remember with longing / to long to see again
看望 kàn wàng to pay a visit to; to see (sb)
视为 shì wéi to view as / to see as / to consider to be / to deem
正版 zhèng bǎn genuine / legal / see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3]
看出 kàn chū to make out / to see
只见 zhǐ jiàn to see (the same thing) over and over again / to see, to one's surprise, (sth happen suddenly)
qiáo to look at / to see / to see (a doctor) / to visit
尽可能 jìn néng see 儘可能|尽可能[jin3 ke3 neng2]
盗版 dào bǎn pirated / illegal / see also 正版[zheng4 ban3]
送行 sòng xíng to see someone off / to throw someone a send-off party
不见 jiàn not to see / not to meet / to have disappeared / to be missing

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