English to Chinese Dictionary


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zuò to sit / to take a seat / to take (a bus, airplane etc) / to bear fruit / variant of 座[zuo4]
请坐 qǐng zuò please, have a seat
wèi position / location / place / seat / classifier for people (honorific) / classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes) / (physics) potential
zuò seat / base / stand / (archaic) suffix used in a respectful form of address, e.g. 师座|师座[shi1 zuo4] / CL:個|个[ge4] / classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects
座位 zuò wèi seat / CL:個|个[ge4]
位置 wèi zhi position / place / seat / CL:個|个[ge4]
让座 ràng zuò to give up one's seat for sb
就座 jiù zuò to take a seat
倒数 dào shǔ to count backwards (from 10 down to 0) / to count down / from the bottom (lines on a page) / from the back (rows of seats)
woven mat / seat / banquet / place in a democratic assembly / classifier for banquets, conversations etc
凳子 dèng zi stool / small seat
下手 xià shǒu to start / to put one's hand to / to set about / the seat to the right of the main guest
位子 wèi zi place / seat
席位 wèi a seat (in a theater, stadium etc) / parliamentary or congressional seat
县城 xiàn chéng county seat; county town
海牙 Hǎi The Hague (seat of government of the Netherlands)
seat of government / government repository (archive) / official residence / mansion / presidential palace / (honorific) Your home / prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)
jīn lapel / overlap of Chinese gown / fig. bosom (the seat of emotions) / to cherish (ambition, desires, honorable intentions etc) in one's bosom
座垫 zuò diàn saddle (of a bicycle); seat (of a car or bike) / chair cushion
茶座 chá zuò teahouse / tea-stall with seats / tea-garden or teahouse seat
座椅 zuò seat
上位 shàng wèi seat of honor / person in a high-ranking position / to be promoted to a more senior role / (genetics) epistatic
顽疾 wán ineradicable disease / fig. deep-seated problem / perennial problem
深层 shēn céng deep layer / deep; deep-seated; underlying
上手 shàng shǒu to obtain / to master / overhand (serve etc) / seat of honor

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