English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: setting skating sweating stating shating sitting sting steaming ?

座次 zuò seating arrangement / position in a seating arrangement
卡位 wèi (sports) to jockey for position; (basketball) to box out; (commerce) to establish oneself in a competitive market (also pr. [qia3 wei4]) / booth seating (always pr. [ka3 wei4] for this sense)
大篷车 péng chē covered truck; covered wagon / bus with some seating but mostly standing room
敬老席 jìng lǎo priority seating for the aged (on buses etc)
翻桌 fān zhuō to flip a table over (in a fit of anger) / (at a restaurant) to turn over a table (i.e. to complete a cycle from the seating of one group of diners until the arrival of another group at the same table)
雅座 zuò (restaurant etc) private room / booth / comfortable seating

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