English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sheming shiming seeming shuming shenming shexing sheying shaming ?

diagram / picture / drawing / chart / map / CL:張|张[zhang1] / to plan / to scheme / to attempt / to pursue / to seek
计算 suàn to calculate; to compute / to consider; to think over / to plot; to scheme
机械 xiè machine / machinery / mechanical / (old) cunning / scheming
机关 guān mechanism; gear / machine-operated / office; agency; organ; organization; establishment; institution; body / stratagem; scheme; intrigue; plot; trick / CL:個|个[ge4]
策划 huà to plot / to scheme / to bring about / to engineer / planning / producer / planner
试点 shì diǎn test point / to carry out trial / pilot scheme
门槛 mén kǎn doorstep / sill / threshold / fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth cheaper)
盘算 pán suàn to plot / to scheme / to calculate
算盘 suàn pán abacus / CL:把[ba3] / plan / scheme
招数 zhāo shù move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts) / gambit / trick / scheme / movement / same as 著數|着数[zhao1 shu4]
算计 suàn ji to reckon / to calculate / to plan / to expect / to scheme
野心 xīn ambition / wild schemes / careerism
móu to plan / to seek / scheme
policy / plan / scheme / bamboo slip for writing (old) / to whip (a horse) / to encourage / riding crop with sharp spines (old) / essay written for the imperial examinations (old) / upward horizontal stroke in calligraphy
guī compass / a rule / regulation / to admonish / to plan / to scheme
心机 xīn thinking / scheme
下线 xià xiàn to go offline / (of a product) to roll off the assembly line / downline (person below oneself in a pyramid scheme)
点数 diǎn shù to count and check / to tally / points (collected in some bonus scheme etc)
谋划 móu huà to scheme / to plot / conspiracy
积分 fēn integral (calculus) / accumulated points (in sports, at school etc) / total credits earned by student / bonus points in a benefit scheme
韵律 yùn cadence / rhythm / rhyme scheme / meter (in verse) / (linguistics) prosody
共谋 gòng móu to scheme together / to conspire / joint plan / conspiracy
机谋 móu stratagem / scheme / shrewdness
心路 xīn scheme / artifice / tolerance / intention / motive / train of thought / brains / wit / ideas
yóu to plan / to scheme

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