English to Chinese Dictionary


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景点 jǐng diǎn tourist attraction; scenic spot
名胜 míng shèng a place famous for its scenery or historical relics / scenic spot / CL:處|处[chu4]
景区 jǐng scenic area
胜地 shèng well-known scenic spot
武陵源 líng yuán Wulingyuan scenic area, in Zhangjiajie city 張家界市|张家界市[Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4], Hunan
鼓浪屿 làng Gulangyu, scenic island off Xiamen 廈門|厦门[Xia4 men2]
雁荡 Yàn dàng Yandang mountains, famous scenic area in southeast Zhejiang
隆中 Lóng zhōng scenic area near Xiangyang 襄陽|襄阳[Xiang1 yang2] in Hubei, known as the secluded mountainous location where Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4] lived as a young man
名胜古迹 míng shèng historical sites and scenic spots
什刹海 shí chà hǎi Shichahai, scenic area of northwest Beijing with three lakes
游山玩水 yóu shān wán shuǐ to go on a scenic tour
览胜 lǎn shèng to visit scenic spots
嘉山 Jiā shān Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now part of Chuzhou prefecture 滁州[Chu2 zhou1] / provincial level scenic area in Hunan
九寨沟风景名胜区 Jiǔ zhài gōu Fēng jǐng míng shèng Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area, Sichuan
大坑 kēng Tai Hang District, Hong Kong / Dakeng, the name of several places in Taiwan, notably a scenic hilly area of Taichung 台中[Tai2 zhong1]
九华山 Jiǔ huá Shān Mount Jiuhua in Anhui, scenic tourist site, and one of the four famous Buddhist mountains
湖光山色 guāng shān scenic lakes and mountain (idiom); beautiful lake and mountain landscape
石林风景区 Shí lín fēng jǐng Petrified forest scenic area in Shilin Yi autonomous county 石林彞族自治縣|石林彝族自治县[Shi2 lin2 Yi2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4] in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan
雁荡山 Yàn dàng shān Yandang mountains, famous scenic area in southeast Zhejiang
风景线 fēng jǐng xiàn a strip of scenic beauty (coast, river, road etc) / (fig.) an eye-catching feature
龙潭沟 Lóng tán gōu Longtan Ravine, scenic area in Xixia county 西峽縣|西峡县[Xi1 xia2 xian4], Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan

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