English to Chinese Dictionary


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piàn thin piece / flake / a slice / film / TV play / to slice / to carve thin / partial / incomplete / one-sided / classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water / classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc / used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc / Kangxi radical 91
chǎng large place used for a specific purpose / stage / scene (of a play) / classifier for sporting or recreational activities / classifier for number of exams
现场 xiàn chǎng the scene (of a crime, accident etc) / (on) the spot / (at) the site
景色 jǐng scenery / scene / landscape / view
zhé to break / to fracture / to snap / to suffer loss / to bend / to twist / to turn / to change direction / convinced / to convert into (currency) / discount / rebate / tenth (in price) / classifier for theatrical scenes / to fold / accounts book
镜头 jìng tóu camera lens / camera shot (in a movie etc) / scene
情景 qíng jǐng scene; spectacle / circumstances; situation
气象 xiàng meteorological condition; weather / meteorology / atmosphere; ambience; scene
当场 dāng chǎng at the scene; on the spot
风光 fēng guāng scene / view / sight / landscape / to be well-regarded / to be well-off / grand (dialect) / impressive (dialect)
场面 chǎng miàn scene / spectacle / occasion / situation
景象 jǐng xiàng scene / sight (to behold)
画面 huà miàn scene / tableau / picture / image / screen (displayed by a computer) / (motion picture) frame / field of view
在场 zài chǎng to be present; to be on the scene
场景 chǎng jǐng scene; scenario; situation; setting
jǐng (bound form) scenery / circumstance / situation / scene (of a play) / (literary) sunlight
出场 chū chǎng (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform / (of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete / (fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product) / (of an examinee etc) to leave the venue
后台 hòu tái backstage area / behind-the-scenes supporter / (computing) back-end / background
实况 shí kuàng live (e.g. broadcast or recording) / what is actually happening / scene / the real situation
幕后 hòu behind the scenes
内幕 nèi inside story / non-public information / behind the scenes / internal
居高临下 gāo lín xià lit. to be in a high location, overlooking the scene below (idiom) / fig. to occupy a commanding position / to assume a haughty attitude
黑手 hēi shǒu (fig.) malign agent who manipulates from behind the scenes / hidden hand / (Tw) mechanic / blue-collar worker / manual laborer
胡闹 nào to act willfully and make a scene / to make trouble
看热闹 kàn nao to enjoy watching a bustling scene / to go where the crowds are

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