English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sanming sannong shanneng shanying suanming ?

sǎo to sweep (with a brush or broom) / to sweep away; to wipe out; to get rid of / to sweep (one's eyes etc) over; to scan
扫描 sǎo miáo to scan
B超 B chāo B-mode ultrasonography / prenatal ultrasound scan / abbr. for B型超聲|B型超声[B xing2 chao1 sheng1]
巡视 xún shì to patrol / to make a tour / to inspect / to scan with one's eyes
扫码 sǎo to scan a QR code or barcode
细看 kàn to peer / to scan / to examine carefully
载具 zài conveyance (car, boat, aircraft etc); vehicle / (fig.) medium; platform; vector / (Tw) (Taiwan pr. [zai3 ju4]) a consumer's device (smart card or mobile app barcode etc) that can be scanned at checkout to save the receipt 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] to a cloud account
逐行 zhú háng line by line (translation, scanning etc) / progressive
睃巡 suō xún (eyes) to scan / to glance left and right / to scrutinize / also written 巡睃[xun2 suo1]
刷脸 shuā liǎn to scan one's face (for identity verification)
隔行扫描 háng sǎo miáo interlaced scanning
断层扫描 duàn céng sǎo miáo CT scan (computed tomography scan)
数码扫描 shù sǎo miáo a digital scan
超声扫描 chāo shēng sǎo miáo ultrasonic scan
超声波 chāo shēng ultrasound (scan)
超声波检查 chāo shēng jiǎn chá echography / ultrasound scan
逐行扫描 zhú háng sǎo miáo line by line scanning / progressive scanning
电脑断层扫描 diàn nǎo duàn céng sǎo miáo CAT scan / CT scan

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