English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: saying swaying sings siying swings shaying suying ?

保留 bǎo liú to keep / to retain / to have reservations (about sth) / to hold back (from saying sth) / to put aside for later
本来 běn lái original / originally / at first / it goes without saying / of course
成语 chéng Chinese set expression, typically of 4 characters, often alluding to a story or historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage / CL:條|条[tiao2],本[ben3],句[ju4]
名言 míng yán saying / famous remark
俗话 huà common saying / proverb
俗语 common saying / proverb / colloquial speech
显而易见 xiǎn ér jiàn clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously / clearly / it goes without saying
不辞而别 ér bié to leave without saying good-bye
不用说 yòng shuō needless to say; it goes without saying
名句 míng famous saying / celebrated phrase
不言而喻 yán ér it goes without saying; it is self-evident
畅所欲言 chàng suǒ yán lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite topic / to hold forth to one's heart's content
歇后语 xiē hòu anapodoton (a saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is the intended meaning of the allegory presented in the first part)
口头禅 kǒu tóu chán Zen saying repeated as cant / (fig.) catchphrase; mantra; favorite expression; stock phrase
心口不一 xīn kǒu heart and mouth at variance (idiom); keeping one's real intentions to oneself / saying one thing but meaning sth different
习语 common saying / idiom
农谚 nóng yàn farmers' saying
表里不一 biǎo outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems / saying one thing but meaning sth different
老话 lǎo huà an old saying
口口声声 kǒu kou shēng shēng to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again
鸡犬升天 quǎn - shēng tiān lit. (when a person attains enlightenment and immortality), even his chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven with him (idiom) / fig. (when somebody attains a position of power and influence), their relatives and friends also benefit / (2nd half of the saying 一人得道,雞犬升天|一人得道,鸡犬升天[yi1ren2-de2dao4, ji1quan3-sheng1tian1])
言不由衷 yán yóu zhōng to say sth without meaning it (idiom); to speak tongue in cheek / saying one thing but meaning sth different
常言 cháng yán common saying
民谚 mín yàn folk saying / proverb
自不待言 dài yán needless to say / it goes without saying

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