English to Chinese Dictionary


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bèi quilt / to cover (with) / (literary) to suffer (a misfortune) / used to indicate passive voice (placed before the doer of the action like "by" in English passive-voice sentences, or, if the doer is not mentioned, before the verb) / (since c. 2009) (sarcastic or jocular) used to indicate that the following word should be regarded as being in air quotes (as in 被旅遊|被旅游[bei4 lu:3you2] to "go on a trip")
引用 yǐn yòng to quote; to cite / to recommend; to appoint / (computing) reference
不亦乐乎 lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius) / fig. (jocular) extremely; awfully
引经据典 yǐn jīng diǎn lit. to quote the classics / to quote chapter and verse (idiom)
报价 bào jià to quote a price / quoted price / quote
说道 shuō dào to state / to say (the quoted words)
双引号 shuāng yǐn hào double quotes
名句 míng oft-quoted phrase; famous line
典故 diǎn classical story or quote from the literature / the story behind sth
援引 yuán yǐn to quote; to cite / to recommend (a friend, an associate etc)
类书 lèi shū reference book consisting of material quoted from many sources, arranged by category (about 600 of which were compiled between the 3rd and 18th centuries in China)
开价 kāi jià to quote a price / seller's first offer
引证 yǐn zhèng to cite / to quote / to cite as evidence
写道 xiě dào to write (used before or after a quoted passage)
引述 yǐn shù to quote
单引号 dān yǐn hào single quotes
转引 zhuǎn yǐn to quote from secondary source
摘译 zhāi quoted (from) / translation of selected passages
摘引 zhāi yǐn to quote; to cite
援用 yuán yòng to quote / to cite
心灵鸡汤 xīn líng tāng (often used disparagingly) feel-good motivational story or quote (from the Chinese translation of the title of the 1993 self-help bestseller "Chicken Soup for the Soul")
金句 jīn pearl of wisdom; quotable quote
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 xīn shǐ rén jìn , jiāo ào shǐ rén luò hòu modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you fall behind (quote of Mao Zedong)
姓蒋还是姓汪 xìng Jiǎng hái shi xìng Wāng friend or foe? (quote from 沙家浜[Sha1 jia1 bang1]) (蔣|蒋[Jiang3] here refers to Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4 shi2] and 汪[Wang1] refers to Wang Jingwei 汪精衛|汪精卫[Wang1 Jing1 wei4])
引号完 yǐn hào wán unquote / end of quote

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