English to Chinese Dictionary


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规定 guī dìng to stipulate; to specify; to prescribe; to fix (a price); to set (a quota) / regulations; rules; provisions; stipulations
指标 zhǐ biāo (production) target; quota / index; indicator / sign; signpost / (computing) pointer
名额 míng é quota / number of places / place (in an institution, a group etc)
biāo mark / sign / label / to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc / to bear (a brand name, registration number etc) / prize / award / bid / target / quota / (old) the topmost branches of a tree / visible symptom / classifier for military units
高额 gāo é high quota / large amount
差额 chā é balance (financial) / discrepancy (in a sum or quota) / difference
满额 mǎn é the full amount / to fulfill the quota
额度 é quota / (credit) limit
增生 zēng shēng (medicine) hyperplasia / (abbr. for 增廣生員|增广生员[zeng1guang3 sheng1yuan2]) a scholar studying for the Ming dynasty imperial examinations who did not make the quota for support in the form of a monthly allowance of rice that students who made the quota received
配额 pèi é quota / ration
定额 dìng é fixed amount / quota
限额 xiàn é quota; limit (upper or lower) / to set a quota; to set a limit
加码 jiā to ratchet up / to raise (expectations etc) / to increase (a quota, a position in the market etc) / to up the ante / (computing) to encode
超额 chāo é above quota
定数 dìng shù constant (math.) / quota / fixed number (e.g. of places on a bus) / fixed quantity (e.g. load of truck) / destiny
包产到户 bāo chǎn dào fixing of farm output quotas for each household
包产到户制 bāo chǎn dào zhì system of quotas for farm output per household
最高限额 zuì gāo xiàn é maximum amount / ceiling / upper limit / quota
联产到户 lián chǎn dào household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each rural household could freely decide what to produce and how to sell, as long as it fulfilled its quota of products to the state

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