English to Chinese Dictionary


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退出 tuì chū to withdraw / to abort / to quit / to log out (computing)
to be jealous of / fear / dread / scruple / to avoid or abstain from / to quit / to give up sth
退学 tuì xué to quit school
辞去 to resign / to quit
to stop / to cease / to dismiss / to suspend / to quit / to finish
禁烟 jìn yān to ban smoking / to quit smoking / to prohibit cooking / prohibition on opium (esp. in China from 1729)
戒除 jiè chú to quit / to give up (a bad habit)
出号 chū hào large-sized (of clothes, shoes) / (old) to give an order / (old) to quit one's job in a store
撂挑子 liào tiāo zi (coll.) to quit one's job in disgust
一走了之 zǒu liǎo zhī to avoid a problem by walking away from it / to quit
弃剧 to quit watching a TV series
忌烟 yān to quit smoking
誓绝 shì jué to abjure / to swear to quit
戒断 jiè duàn to quit (taking drugs, alcohol etc); withdrawal
卷铺盖 juǎn gai to roll up one's bedding; to pack one's things / (fig.) to quit / (fig.) to get fired; to get the sack
裸辞 luǒ to quit one's job (without having another one)
见好就收 jiàn hǎo jiù shōu (idiom) to quit while one is ahead; to know when to stop
辞掉 diào to quit (one's job) / to dismiss (an employee)

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