English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: queying qujing quemang queyang quming qunying quyuxing ?

队伍 duì ranks / troops / queue / line / procession / CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
队列 duì liè formation (of troops) / alignment / (computing) queue / cohort (in a study)
长龙 cháng lóng long queue / long line (of cars, people etc)
插队 chā duì to cut in line / to jump a queue / to live on a rural community (during the Cultural Revolution)
biàn a braid or queue / to plait
长队 cháng duì line (i.e. of people waiting) / queue
抽号 chōu hào to randomly select (as for a lottery) / to take a number (for queuing)
车龙 chē lóng long queue of slow-moving traffic / tram
伫列 zhù liè queue (computing)
人龙 rén lóng a queue of people
剃发令 lìng the Qing order to all men to shave their heads but keep a queue, first ordered in 1646
剃发留辫 liú biàn to shave the head but keep the queue
加塞儿 jiā sāir to push into a line out of turn; to cut in line; to jump the queue
大排长龙 pái cháng lóng to form a long queue (idiom) / (of cars) to be bumper to bumper
夹塞儿 jiā sāir to cut into a line / queue-jumping
排客 pái paid queuer / person paid to stand in line for another
揪辫子 jiū biàn zi to grab sb by the queue (i.e. hair) / to seize on weak points / to exploit the opponent's shortcomings
消息队列 xiāo xi duì liè message queue (computing)

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