English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: quince quanchi ?

解渴 jiě to quench
to extinguish / to put out (fire) / to quench / to stop burning / to go out (of fire, lamp etc) / to come to an end / to wither away / to die out / Taiwan pr. [xi2]
淬火 cuì huǒ to quench / to temper / to harden by quenching
望梅止渴 wàng méi zhǐ lit. to quench one's thirst by thinking of plums (idiom) / fig. to console oneself with illusions
饮鸩止渴 yǐn zhèn zhǐ lit. drinking poison in the hope of quenching one's thirst (idiom) / fig. a supposed remedy that only makes matters worse
蘸火 zhàn huǒ to quench (a metal workpiece)

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