English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: qi gu qiu ku que cu go g ?

to go / to go to (a place) / (of a time etc) last / just passed / to send / to remove / to get rid of / to reduce / to be apart from in space or time / to die (euphemism) / to play (a part) / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
to take / to get / to choose / to fetch
area / region / district / small / distinguish / CL:個|个[ge4]
to take a wife / to marry (a woman)
tune / song / CL:支[zhi1]
(Cantonese) he, she, it
sacrifice to drive away calamity / to dispel / to drive away / to remove
surname Qu
(artificial) stream; canal; drain; ditch (CL:條|条[tiao2]) / (literary) big; great / (dialect) he; she; him; her / (old) rim of a carriage wheel; felloe
interesting / to interest
a pen / to surround
to spy / watch for
surname Qu
bent / crooked / wrong
yeast / Aspergillus (includes many common molds) / Taiwan pr. [qu2]
to hasten / to hurry / to walk fast / to approach / to tend towards / to converge
woolen rug
surname Qu
startled / Taiwan pr. [ju4]
屈原 Yuán Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), famous Warring States statesman and poet, author of Sorrow at Parting 離騷|离骚 Lisao in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞
qu used in 屈戌兒|屈戌儿[qu1qu5r5]
渠县 xiàn Qu county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan
human body

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