English to Chinese Dictionary


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左传 Zuǒ Zhuàn Zuo Zhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo's Annals or Mr Zuo's commentary on 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], early history c. 400 BC attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明[Zuo3 Qiu1 ming2]
左氏春秋 Zuǒ shì Chūn qiū Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明[Zuo3 Qiu1 ming2] / usually called Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4]
左丘明 Zuǒ Qiū míng Zuo Qiuming or Zuoqiu Ming (556-451), famous blind historian from Lu 魯國|鲁国[Lu3 guo2] to whom the history Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4] is attributed
春秋左氏传 Chūn qiū Zuǒ shì Zhuàn Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明[Zuo3 Qiu1 ming2] / usually called Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4]

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