English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: qi qu qie qia qiyu qiju gu qiqu ?

qiú ball / sphere / globe / CL:個|个[ge4] / ball game / match / CL:場|场[chang3]
qiú to seek / to look for / to request / to demand / to beseech
Qiū surname Qiu
qiū autumn / fall / harvest time
qiū used in 鞦韆|秋千[qiu1qian1]
Qiú surname Qiu
qiú fur / fur coat
qiū Lespedeza bicolor
qiú prisoner
qiū used in 龜茲|龟兹[Qiu1 ci2]
qiú used in 蝤蠐|蝤蛴[qiu2 qi2]
Qiú surname Qiu
qiú spouse / companion
qiū old variant of 秋[qiu1]
絿 qiú urgent / pressing
Qiū surname Qiu
qiú (literary) to coerce sb / to compel sb
qiú young dragon with horns
qiú tribal chief
qiú collect / to match
qiú strong / vigorous / robust / to draw near / to come to an end
qiú cheekbone
Qiǔ surname Qiu
qiǔ dry rations (for a journey) / (dialect) (of noodles etc) to become mush (from overcooking) / (coll.) embarrassing / embarrassment
Qiū surname Qiu

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