English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: qinhai qinhua qinhui qinyuan qichuan qinhuo ganhuai qianhai ?

秦淮 Qín huái Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
秦淮八艳 Qín huái yàn the famous eight beautiful and talented courtesans who lived near the Qinhuai River 秦淮河[Qin2 huai2 He2] in the late Ming or early Qing
秦淮区 Qín huái Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
秦淮河 Qín huái Qinhuai River, a tributary of the Yangtze that flows through central Nanjing

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