English to Chinese Dictionary


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启蒙 méng to instruct the young / to initiate / to awake sb from ignorance / to free sb from prejudice or superstition / primer / enlightened / the Enlightenment / Western learning from the late Qing dynasty
教案 jiào àn lesson plan / teaching plan / a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missionaries during the late Qing)
seat of government / government repository (archive) / official residence / mansion / presidential palace / (honorific) Your home / prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)
banner / flag / (in Qing times) Manchu (cf. 八旗[Ba1 qi2]) / administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county / CL:面[mian4]
江南 Jiāng nán south of Changjiang or Yangtze river / south of the lower reaches of Changjiang / often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces / a province during Qing times / in literature, refers to the sunny south / Gangnam (district in Seoul, South Korea)
新军 Xīn jūn New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western standards, founded after Japan's victory in the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895)
奕𬣞 zhǔ given name of Qing Emperor Xianfeng 咸豐|咸丰[Xian2 feng1]
Qīng Qing (Wade-Giles: Ch'ing) dynasty of China (1644-1911) / surname Qing
书院 shū yuàn academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)
纳兰性德 lán Xìng Nalan Xingde (1655-1685), Manchu ethnic Qing dynasty poet
清代 Qīng dài Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
乾隆 Qián lóng Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sixth Qing emperor, princely title 寶親王|宝亲王[Bao3 Qin1 wang2], personal name 弘曆|弘历[Hong2 li4], reigned 1735-1799
明清 Míng Qīng the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties
格格 ge princess (loanword from Manchu, used in the Qing Dynasty)
北洋 Běi yáng the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong
老总 lǎo zǒng boss / sir (person with a leading role in an organization) / (after a surname) high ranking commander in the PLA / (Qing dynasty) high ranking government official / (old) courteous term used by the general populace in addressing a rank-and-file soldier or police officer
晚清 wǎn Qīng the late Qing / late 19th and early 20th century China
大清 Qīng Great Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
三合会 sān huì triad, Chinese crime gang / triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dynasty China
chéng (literary) archive room; library (esp. in the imperial palace in the Ming and Qing dynasties)
知府 zhī prefectural magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)
雍正 Yōng zhèng Yongzheng, reign name of Qing emperor (1722-1735)
提督 the local commander / provincial governor (in Qing and Ming times)
南苑 Nán yuàn Nanyuan or "Southern Park", an imperial hunting domain during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, now the site of Nanhaizi Park in the south of Beijing
军机 jūn military aircraft / secret plan / Privy Council during the Qing dynasty

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