English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: king qiang qiong kong gang gong going qings ?

qǐng to ask / to invite / please (do sth) / to treat (to a meal etc) / to request
qīng light / easy / gentle / soft / reckless / unimportant / frivolous / small in number / unstressed / neutral / to disparage
qíng clear / fine (weather)
qīng green / blue / black / youth / young (of people)
qīng (of water etc) clear; clean / quiet; still / pure; uncorrupted / clear; distinct / to clear; to settle (accounts)
qíng (bound form) feelings; emotion; sentiment; passion / (bound form) situation; condition
启蒙 méng to instruct the young / to initiate / to awake sb from ignorance / to free sb from prejudice or superstition / primer / enlightened / the Enlightenment / Western learning from the late Qing dynasty
qīng hydrogen (chemistry)
qìng parents-in-law of one's offspring
Qīng abbr. for 青海[Qing1 hai3], Qinghai Province
qìng to celebrate
教案 jiào àn lesson plan / teaching plan / a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missionaries during the late Qing)
qīng high ranking official (old) / term of endearment between spouses (old) / (from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old) / honorific (old)
seat of government / government repository (archive) / official residence / mansion / presidential palace / (honorific) Your home / prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)
banner / flag / (in Qing times) Manchu (cf. 八旗[Ba1 qi2]) / administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county / CL:面[mian4]
江南 Jiāng nán south of Changjiang or Yangtze river / south of the lower reaches of Changjiang / often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces / a province during Qing times / in literature, refers to the sunny south / Gangnam (district in Seoul, South Korea)
新军 Xīn jūn New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western standards, founded after Japan's victory in the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895)
奕𬣞 zhǔ given name of Qing Emperor Xianfeng 咸豐|咸丰[Xian2 feng1]
Qīng Qing (Wade-Giles: Ch'ing) dynasty of China (1644-1911) / surname Qing
书院 shū yuàn academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)
纳兰性德 lán Xìng Nalan Xingde (1655-1685), Manchu ethnic Qing dynasty poet
清代 Qīng dài Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
乾隆 Qián lóng Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sixth Qing emperor, princely title 寶親王|宝亲王[Bao3 Qin1 wang2], personal name 弘曆|弘历[Hong2 li4], reigned 1735-1799
明清 Míng Qīng the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties
qìng to use up / to exhaust / empty

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