English to Chinese Dictionary


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a period of time / phase / stage / classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study / time / term / period / to hope / Taiwan pr. [qi2]
阶段 jiē duàn stage / section / phase / period / CL:個|个[ge4]
早期 zǎo early period; early phase; early stage
局面 miàn aspect / phase / situation
时期 shí period / phase / CL:個|个[ge4]
关节 guān jié joint (physiology) / key point / critical phase
段落 duàn luò phase / time interval / paragraph / (written) passage
淘汰 táo tài to wash out / (fig.) to cull / to weed out / to eliminate / to die out / to phase out
xiàng appearance / portrait / picture / government minister / (physics) phase / (literary) to appraise (esp. by scrutinizing physical features) / to read sb's fortune (by physiognomy, palmistry etc)
五行 xíng five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
相位 xiàng wèi phase (waves)
初创 chū chuàng startup (company, phase etc); newly established
月相 yuè xiàng phase of the moon
后劲 hòu jìn energy to continue after the initial phase of an activity / delayed effect
下弦 xià xián last quarter, aka third quarter (phase of the moon)
两相 liǎng xiàng two-phase (physics)
末期 end (of a period) / last part / final phase
上弦 shàng xián to wind up a watch, clockwork toy etc / to tighten the string of a bow, violin etc / first quarter (phase of the moon)
钱庄 qián zhuāng old-style money shop (a type of private bank that first appeared in the Ming dynasty, flourished in the Qing, and was phased out after 1949) / (in recent times) informal financial company, often operating at the edges of what is legal
单相 dān xiàng single phase (elec.)
分相 fēn xiàng split phase (elec.)
末世 shì last phase (of an age)
调相 tiáo xiàng phase modulation
相图 xiàng phase diagram (math.) / phase portrait
相位差 xiàng wèi chā phase difference

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