English to Chinese Dictionary


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bāo to cover / to wrap / to hold / to include / to take charge of / to contract (to or for) / package / wrapper / container / bag / to hold or embrace / bundle / packet / CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
套餐 tào cān set meal / (fig.) product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription)
包裹 bāo guǒ to wrap up / to bind up / bundle / parcel / package / CL:個|个[ge4]
打包 bāo to wrap; to pack / to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out / (computing) to package (i.e. create an archive file)
包装 bāo zhuāng to pack / to package / to wrap / packaging
to enter; to go into / to join; to become a member of / (bound form) to conform to (as in 入時|入时[ru4shi2]) / abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4sheng1] / (on product packaging, after {number n} + {classifier}) containing (n pieces) (from Japanese 入 "iri")
méi classifier for small objects: coins, badges, rings, carved seals, chess pieces, eggs, fingerprints etc (more formal than 個|个[ge4]) / classifier for bombs, missiles, satellites etc / (on product packaging) classifier for flat items (from Japanese 枚 "mai") / (old) stick used as a gag to prevent soldiers from talking while sneaking up on the enemy
guǒ to wrap around / bundle; parcel; package / to press into service; to pressgang; to make off with (sth)
原装 yuán zhuāng genuine / intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)
到货 dào huò (of packages or shipments) to arrive
简装 jiǎn zhuāng paperback / plainly packaged / opposite: 精裝|精装[jing1 zhuang1]
分装 fēn zhuāng to divide into portions / to package in smaller quantities / to separate into loads
装潢 zhuāng huáng to mount (a picture) / to dress / to adorn / decoration / packaging
礼包 bāo gift bag; gift package
精装 jīng zhuāng hardcover (book) / elaborately packaged / opposite: 簡裝|简装[jian3 zhuang1]
封包 fēng bāo to package up / (computer networking) packet
汤料 tāng liào raw materials for making soup / packaged soup mix
货包 huò bāo freight package; bale of goods
表情包 biǎo qíng bāo image macro / visual meme / sticker package / emoticon collection
包封 bāo fēng to seal / to close up a package with a seal
固形量 xíng liàng (Tw) (on packaging) drained weight
安装包 ān zhuāng bāo (computing) installation package
液态奶 tài nǎi general term for milk packaged for the consumer, including long-life (UHT) milk, pasteurized milk and reconstituted milk
腰封 yāo fēng wide belt / sash / (packaging) paper sash around a book or other product
快递员 kuài yuán package delivery person; courier

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