English to Chinese Dictionary


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zhuāng adornment / to adorn / dress / clothing / costume (of an actor in a play) / to play a role / to pretend / to install / to fix / to wrap (sth in a bag) / to load / to pack
整理 zhěng to arrange / to tidy up / to sort out / to straighten out / to list systematically / to collate (data, files) / to pack (luggage)
qún group / crowd / flock, herd, pack etc
打包 bāo to wrap; to pack / to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out / (computing) to package (i.e. create an archive file)
收拾 shōu shi to put in order / to tidy up / to pack / to repair / (coll.) to sort sb out / to fix sb
包装 bāo zhuāng to pack / to package / to wrap / packaging
背包 bēi bāo knapsack / rucksack / infantry pack / field pack / blanket roll / CL:個|个[ge4]
超前 chāo qián to be ahead of one's time / to surpass or outdo one's predecessors / to be ahead of the pack / to take the lead / advanced
包扎 bāo to wrap up / to pack / to bind up (a wound)
堆砌 duī lit. to pile up (bricks) / to pack / fig. to pad out (writing with fancy phrases) / ornate rhetoric
duò load carried by a pack animal
面膜 miàn facial mask / cleanser / face pack / facial (treatment)
腰包 yāo bāo waist purse (old) / (fig.) purse / pocket / waist pack / fanny pack / bum bag
收束 shōu shù to constrict / to draw tight / to gather (one's thoughts) / to bring to a close / to pack (for a journey)
骡马 luó pack animal / horse and mule
狐朋狗友 péng gǒu yǒu a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of scoundrels
弥天大谎 tiān huǎng a pack of lies (idiom)
汗牛充栋 hàn niú chōng dòng lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books
驮马 tuó pack horse
驮运 tuó yùn to transport on pack animal / to carry (a load on one's back)
狐群狗党 qún gǒu dǎng a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs (idiom) / a gang of rogues
驭手 shǒu person in charge of pack animals / chariot driver
八块腹肌 kuài six pack (abdominal muscles)
驮轿 tuó jiào litter carried by pack animal
驮重 tuó zhòng (of a pack animal) to carry a heavy load

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