English to Chinese Dictionary


le (completed action marker) / (modal particle indicating change of state, situation now) / (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
happy / cheerful / to laugh
surname Le
(literary) bridle; halter; headstall / to rein in / to compel; to force / (literary) to carve; to engrave / (literary) to command; to lead (an army etc) / (physics) lux (abbr. for 勒克斯[le4ke4si1])
used in 簕竹[le4zhu2]
layer / vein
(used in place names)
Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata) / white herring / slender shad
伯乐 Bo Le (horse connoisseur during Spring and Autumn Period) / a good judge of talent / talent scout
to write
依云 yún Evian, mineral water company / Évian-les-Bains, resort and spa town in south-eastern France
surplus / tithe
le used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5]
乐安 ān Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
杀鸡儆猴 shā jǐng hóu lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom) / fig. to punish an individual as an example to others / pour encourager les autres
used in 蘿艻|萝艻[luo2le4]
divination by straw
杀一儆百 shā jǐng bǎi lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others / pour encourager les autres
杀鸡吓猴 shā xià hóu lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others / pour encourager les autres
Japanese variant of 樂|乐[le4]
石勒 Shí Shi Le, founder of Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms 後趙|后赵[Hou4 Zhao4] (319-350)
悲惨世界 Bēi cǎn Shì jiè Les Misérables (1862) by Victor Hugo 維克多·雨果|维克多·雨果[Wei2 ke4 duo1 · Yu3 guo3]
杀鸡警猴 shā jǐng hóu lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others / pour encourager les autres
黎利 Le Loi, Vietnamese general and emperor who won back independence for Vietnam from China in 1428

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