English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: koushu kushu kouhu kaoshu koushe koushi kuchu kushui ?

福冈 gāng Fukuoka, capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture in Kyushu, Japan / Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
九州 Jiǔ zhōu division of China during earliest dynasties / fig. ancient China / Kyūshū, southernmost of Japan's four major islands
熊本 Xióng běn Kumamoto city and prefecture in west Kyūshū 九州, Japan
鹿儿岛 ér dǎo Kagoshima, Japanese island prefecture off the south coast of Kyushu
佐世保 Zuǒ shì bǎo Sasebo, city and naval port in Nagasaki prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan
宫崎县 Gōng xiàn Miyazaki prefecture in east Kyūshū 九州, Japan
油症 yóu zhèng Yusho disease or Yu-cheng disease, mass poisoning caused by rice bran oil in northern Kyushu, Japan (1968), and in Taiwan (1979)
熊本县 Xióng běn xiàn Kumamoto prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan
种子岛 Zhǒng zi dǎo Tanegashima, Japanese Island off Kyushu, the Japanese space launch site
阿苏山 Ā Shān Mount Aso, active volcano in Kyushu, Japan

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