English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: kuangfu kangfu kongfu kung fu qingfu gongfu guangfu gangfu ?

武术 shù military skill or technique (in former times) / all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development) / self-defense / tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage) / also called kungfu 功夫 / CL:種|种[zhong3]
练功 liàn gōng to do tai chi / to practice kung-fu (or other martial art) / to train (for dancing, acrobatics etc)
武打片 piàn action movie / kungfu movie
峨嵋拳 é méi quán Emeiquan / O Mei Ch'uan (kungfu style)
成龙 Chéng Lóng Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and Cantopop star

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