English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: kang guang kung kong king gang qiang khang ?

kuáng mad / wild / violent
kuàng mineral deposit; ore deposit / ore / a mine
kuàng variant of 礦|矿[kuang4]
kuàng frame (e.g. door frame) / casing / fig. framework / template / to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth) / to frame / to restrict / Taiwan pr. [kuang1]
kuāng basket / CL:隻|只[zhi1]
kuāng ancient name of a river 洭河[Kuang1 He2] in present-day Guangdong / (used in ancient place names)
Kuāng surname Kuang
kuāng (literary) to rectify / (literary) to assist / (coll.) to calculate roughly; to estimate
kuàng to neglect / to skip (class or work) / to waste (time) / vast / loose-fitting
Kuàng surname Kuang
kuàng fine floss-silk or cotton
kuàng moreover / situation
kuàng (bound form) eye socket / Taiwan pr. [kuang1]
kuǎng low ground / hollow / depression (used in Shandong place names)
kuāng (onom.) crash; bang; clang
kuáng to deceive; to dupe / falsehood; lie / (dialect) to amuse
kuàng Japanese variant of 礦|矿
kuàng to bestow / to confer
kuāng to fear / apprehensive
kuāng to mislead / to swindle
kuàng fine floss-silk or cotton
kuàng tomb
kuāng to spoil (Cant.) / to ruin / to warp (car wheel)
kuáng spinning wheel / wheelbarrow
kuáng old variant of 軖[kuang2]

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