English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: gou ku go key cou qu gu ko ?

kǒu mouth / classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc) / classifier for bites or mouthfuls
kòu to fasten / to button / button / buckle / knot / to arrest / to confiscate / to deduct (money) / discount / to knock / to smash, spike or dunk (a ball) / to cover (with a bowl etc) / (fig.) to tag a label on sb / (Tw) (loanword) code
kòu button
kōu to dig; to pick; to scratch (with a finger or sth pointed) / to carve; to cut / to study meticulously / stingy; miserly / to lift up (esp. the hem of a robe)
kōu to sink in (of eyes)
kòu to knock / to kowtow
kòu used in 豆蔻[dou4 kou4]
kòu old variant of 叩[kou4] / to knock
kòu (a measure of width of cloth)
kōu hollow / scallion stalk
韵尾 yùn wěi (phonology) coda, the part of a syllable that follows its vocalic nucleus (e.g. "u" in kòu or "n" in běn)
kòu fledglings
kòu used in 佝瞀[kou4mao4]
kòu healds of a loom
寇准 Kòu Zhǔn Kou Zhun (961-1023), Northern Song politician and poet
kòu old variant of 寇[kou4]
kòu old variant of 寇[kou4]
kòu to invade / to plunder / bandit / foe / enemy
𫸩 kōu nock at end of bow / stretch

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