English to Chinese Dictionary


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qīn parent / one's own (flesh and blood) / relative / related / marriage / bride / close / intimate / in person / first-hand / in favor of / pro- / to kiss / (Internet slang) dear
wěn kiss / to kiss / mouth
拥吻 yōng wěn to hug and kiss
jiū (onom.) wailing of child / chirp / kiss (Tw)
么么 me me kissing sound (slang onom.)
香吻 xiāng wěn kiss
接吻 jiē wěn to kiss
亲嘴 qīn zuǐ to kiss (on the mouth)
亲亲 qīn qīn dear one / to kiss / friendly
强吻 qiáng wěn to forcibly kiss; to kiss without consent
热吻 wěn to kiss passionately
飞吻 fēi wěn to blow a kiss
吻别 wěn bié to kiss goodbye
mua m u a (onom.) mwah (sound of a kiss)
趋奉 fèng to fawn on / to kiss up to
磕糖 táng (slang) to revel in the sight of one's favorite couple being affectionate / to lap it up when one sees a couple whom one ships kissing or cuddling
喇舌 (Tw) French kissing; to waggle one's tongue around (from Taiwanese 抐舌, Tai-lo pr. [lā-tsi̍h])
肉包子打狗 ròu bāo zi gǒu lit. to fling a meat bun at a dog (idiom) / fig. to flush (one's money or efforts) down the toilet / to kiss sth goodbye
吻戏 wěn kissing scene (in a movie etc)
尝粪 cháng fèn to taste a patient's excrement (a form of medical examination, seen as an act of loyalty or filial piety) / to suck up to sb; to kiss ass
深吻 shēn wěn French kissing
吻技 wěn kissing technique
打啵 (dialect) to kiss
湿吻 shī wěn French kiss
舌吻 shé wěn to French kiss / French kiss

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