English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: king kong kongs qings kang kung keng gongs ?

三世 sān shì the Third (of numbered kings)
一世 shì generation / period of 30 years / one's whole lifetime / lifelong / age / era / times / the whole world / the First (of numbered European kings)
乘龙 chéng lóng to ride the dragon / to die (of emperors and kings)
神权 shén quán divine right (of kings)
贤王 xián wáng sage kings
列王记上 Liè wáng shàng First book of Kings
亚哈 Ahab (9th c. BC), King of Israel, son of Omri and husband of Jezebel, prominent figure in 1 Kings 16-22
列王记下 Liè wáng xià Second book of Kings
二世 èr shì the Second (of numbered kings) / second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
托勒密 Tuō Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC / Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成 / see also 托勒玫[Tuo1 le4 mei2]
列王纪下 Liè wáng xià Second book of Kings
列王纪上 Liè wáng shàng First book of Kings
四大天王 tiān wáng the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vajra) / the four guardians or warrior attendants of Buddha
广目天 Guǎng tiān Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Kings)
三位博士 sān wèi shì the Magi / the Three Wise Kings from the East in the biblical nativity story
五世 shì the fifth (of series of numbered kings)
先王之政 xiān wáng zhī zhèng the rule of former kings
先王之乐 xiān wáng zhī yuè the music of former kings
先王之道 xiān wáng zhī dào the way of former kings
增长天 Zēng zhǎng tiān Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings)
多闻天 Duō wén tiān Vaisravana (one of the Heavenly Kings)
帝王谱 wáng list of emperors and kings / dynastic genealogy
应天承运 yìng tiān chéng yùn lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven / the Divine Right of kings
应天顺时 yìng tiān shùn shí lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven / the Divine Right of kings
托勒密王 Tuō Wáng Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC

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