English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ke keyi kei kea keyu guy kui kai ?

重点 zhòng diǎn important point; main point; focus / key (project etc) / to focus on; to put the emphasis on
diào to transfer / to move (troops or cadres) / to investigate / to enquire into / accent / view / argument / key (in music) / mode (music) / tune / tone / melody
紧张 jǐn zhāng nervous / keyed up / intense / tense / strained / in short supply / scarce / CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
关键 guān jiàn crucial point / crux / CL:個|个[ge4] / key / crucial / pivotal
jiàn key (on a piano or computer keyboard) / button (on a mouse or other device) / chemical bond / linchpin
要素 yào essential factor / key constituent
元素 yuán element (key component of sth) / (chemistry) element / (math.) element (member of a set)
关节 guān jié joint (physiology) / key point / critical phase
低调 diào low pitch / quiet (voice) / subdued / low-key / low-profile
秘诀 jué secret know-how / key (to longevity) / secret (of happiness) / recipe (for success)
攻关 gōng guān to storm a strategic pass / fig. to tackle a key problem
要害 yào hài vital part / (fig.) key point / crucial
诀窍 jué qiào secret / trick / knack / key
强项 qiáng xiàng key strength / strong suit / specialty
钥匙 yào shi key / CL:把[ba3]
按键 àn jiàn button or key (on a device) / keystroke / CL:個|个[ge4] / to press a button
U盾 U dùn USB key used as a security token in Chinese online banking
qiào hole / opening / orifice (of the human body) / (fig.) key (to the solution of a problem)
马丁·路德 dīng · Martin Luther (1483-1546), key figure of the Protestant Reformation
密钥 yào (cryptography) key
馏分 liú fèn fraction (of a distillate) / key (one component part of a distillate)
回车 huí chē to turn a vehicle around / (computing) "carriage return" character / the "Enter" key / to hit the "Enter" key
gāng head rope of a fishing net / guiding principle / key link / class (taxonomy) / outline / program
雪藏 xuě cáng to keep sth in cold storage / (fig.) to suspend a performer or sports player (as punishment) / to keep sb or sth out of sight until the right moment (e.g. a key player on a sports team)
yuè flute / key

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