English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: kui cai gai kuai kao ka qi key ?

kāi to open (transitive or intransitive) / (of ships, vehicles, troops etc) to start / to turn on; to put in operation; to operate; to run / to boil / to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc) / (directional complement) away; off / carat (gold) / abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1er3wen2] / abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1ben3], book format
kǎi model / pattern / regular script (calligraphic style)
Kǎi surname Kai
kǎi (bound form) triumphal music / (Tw) (coll.) generous with money; lavish in spending / chi (Greek letter Χχ)
中正 Zhōng zhèng adopted name of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4 shi2]
Jiǎng surname Jiang / Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4shi2]
kǎi indignant / generous / to sigh (with emotion)
kǎi dry terrain
kài to burn / to blaze
kǎi armor
kǎi joyful / kind
kǎi used in 剴切|剀切[kai3 qie4]
开本 kāi běn book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16-kai format 16開|16开[shi2liu4-kai1] is roughly A4) (abbr. to 開|开[kai1])
kǎi high quality iron
kǎi old variant of 慨[kai3] / to sigh (with emotion)
kāi californium (chemistry)
kāi to wipe
kǎi to loosen / to open
kǎi old variant of 愷|恺[kai3] / old variant of 凱|凯[kai3]
kài to desire
kǎi balmy / genial as wind
四一二 èr 12th April / refers to Chiang Kai-shek's coup of 12th April 1927 against the communists in Shanghai
kài anger
kài to cough
kài flaming fire / old variant of 烗[kai4]

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