English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ke kai ku go g k ga c ?

to stop / to block / (computing) (coll.) slow / (loanword) card / CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4] / truck (from "car") / calorie (abbr. for 卡路里[ka3 lu4 li3]) / cassette
coffee / class / grade
carbylamine / isocyanide
(used as phonetic "ka")
(onom.) sound of coughing or vomiting
(chemistry) cadmium (old) / (Tw) californium
ancient name for an ethnic group in China
日喀则 Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and prefecture in central Tibet
克尔白 ěr bái Ka'aba, sacred building in Mecca
日喀则市 shì Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and prefecture in central Tibet, Chinese Rikaze
李嘉诚 Jiā chéng Sir Li Ka-shing (1928-), Hong Kong businessman

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