English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: juzhong jiuzheng jizheng jucheng juezheng juheng junheng juzeng ?

举证 zhèng to offer evidence
居正 zhèng (literary) to follow the right path
张居正 Zhāng zhèng Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee
五代史 dài shǐ History of the Five Dynasties, eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正[Xue1 Ju1 zheng4] in 974 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 150 scrolls
旧五代史 Jiù dài shǐ History of the Five Dynasties (between Tang and Song), eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正[Xue1 Ju1 zheng4] in 974 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 150 scrolls
薛居正 Xuē zhèng Xue Juzheng (912-981), Song historian and compiler of History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史|旧五代史

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