English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jest jut jet gist jute jude judo judu ?

(prefix indicating ordinal number, as in 第六[di4-liu4] "sixth") / (literary) grades in which successful candidates in the imperial examinations were placed / (old) residence of a high official / (literary) but; however / (literary) only; just
jiù (after a suppositional clause) in that case; then / (after a clause of action) as soon as; immediately after / (same as 就是[jiu4 shi4]) merely; nothing else but; simply; just; precisely; exactly / only; as little as / as much as; as many as / to approach; to move towards / to undertake; to engage in / (often followed by 著|着[zhe5]) taking advantage of / (of food) to go with / with regard to; concerning / (pattern: 就[jiu4] ... 也[ye3] ...) even if ... still ... / (pattern: 不[bu4] ... 就[jiu4] ...) if not ... then must be ...
zhèng straight / upright / proper / main / principal / to correct / to rectify / exactly / just (at that time) / right (in that place) / (math.) positive
一样 yàng same / like / equal to / the same as / just like
正在 zhèng zài just at (that time) / right in (that place) / right in the middle of (doing sth)
to go / to go to (a place) / (of a time etc) last / just passed / to send / to remove / to get rid of / to reduce / to be apart from in space or time / to die (euphemism) / to play (a part) / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
dàn but; yet; however; still / merely; only; just
zhǐ only; merely; just
dāng to be / to act as / manage / withstand / when / during / ought / should / match equally / equal / same / obstruct / just at (a time or place) / on the spot / right / just at
gāng hard / firm / strong / just / barely / exactly
刚刚 gāng gang just recently / just a moment ago
刚才 gāng cái just now / a moment ago
刚才 gāng cái just now (variant of 剛才|刚才[gang1 cai2])
cái ability; talent / sb of a certain type / a capable individual / then and only then / just now / (before an expression of quantity) only
正好 zhèng hǎo just (in time) / just right / just enough / to happen to / to chance to / by chance / it just so happens that
cái (variant of 才[cai2]) just now / (variant of 才[cai2]) (before an expression of quantity) only
只是 zhǐ shì merely; only; just; nothing but / simply / but; however
就是 jiù shì exactly; precisely / only; simply; just / (used correlatively with 也[ye3]) even; even if
不仅 jǐn not just; not limited to / (as a correlative conjunction) not only (..., but also ...)
个别 bié individually; one by one / just one or two; exceptional; rare
fāng square / power or involution (math.) / upright / honest / fair and square / direction / side / party (to a contract, dispute etc) / place / method / prescription (medicine) / just when / only or just / classifier for square things / abbr. for square or cubic meter
万一 wàn just in case / if by any chance / contingency
jiāng will / shall / to use / to take / to checkmate / just a short while ago / (introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把[ba3])
公正 gōng zhèng just; fair; equitable
正义 zhèng justice / righteousness / just / righteous

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